- Starting of the game
A game doesn't start until each faction reach at least his minimum number of players. (define at the creation of the game)
Before the start : if a player join a pending game which as not reach the condition to start, he will be put "in standby". Meaning he will suffer no change to his usual gaming, but will be noted as part of this game. The player can continue to play as he wants during this time.
The start : when the conditions of start has been reached, all players in standby will be automatically teleported on their respective start location on the map (on for each faction), and be set to 28 PM and 150.000 rubis. Start locations are random for each faction, but a start location is specific to its faction, and players will never be surrounded by anything but allies.
As the teleportation is automatic, stay aware of how fast or slow the game you're in is fullfilled with players, to not be caught by surprise when it starts.
Players teleported in game don't lose any of their castles on the continent, it's just a simple teleportation from country to country.
After the start : as players already teleported surely already begin the build, the fight and to organize and communicate between them, it can happen that a faction has not reached is maximum amount of players on this game and map. In that case, any player of this faction able to join this game can do it.
He will be instantly teleported with 28 PM and 150.000 rubis, on the start location of his faction, like the game was just starting, able to join quickly his forces and talents to those of his pairs already fighting there.
In fact, he will just skip the "standby" part !