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<< Alliance SaiHelp Carnâan Würm >>

Total victory and Reset

In order to fluidify the game and gives a real hand to fights, you can obtain a virtual "total victory" against enemy faction.
To obtain this total victory, your faction need to :
- Build a castle on at least 75% of constructible road points of the country (red cross zones don't count, they are "non-constructible"). 70% if there are three factions struggle in the country.
- Be in the country for at least 30 days, without never had leave the country, even once (because the timer of country-presence would be reset to zero).

The first condition provoke a Reset in all this country, for you as for enemy :
- All castles are destroyed.
- All armies are destroyed.
- All players (allies and enemies) are teleported randomly on Lands of Saïhan.
So the country return to wild, and can be conquered again.
You don't suffer from any malus or bonus due to that reset, only armies and cities are erased (which can affect your reputation and builder score, see rules about that)

The second condition is personnal (meaning that's YOUR time in the country that is considered). If fullfilled, you gain a victory and 3 Points of Reward (or PR) when the country resets.
If you don't fullfilled it, you just obtain a message noticing you of the reset.
Those Points of Reward can be spent in the "Experience" menu, showing then more options, like particles (see rules about this), or obtaining a treasure un rubies or xp.
In any case, it doesn't bring an astonishing bonus over enemies, to avoid "winning spiral" where victories only bring more victories, and the loser always lose more and more.
Balance is of the essence.

Note : you can also obtain a "half-victory" or "half-defeat" (if you stay less than a month in the country). It doesn't bring anything bad or good. A "defeat" brings no special malus (it's already enough shame to lose a country !)

<< Alliance SaiHelp Carnâan Würm >>

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