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List of specialities and associated skills

Sections :

Combat specialities :

Support specialities :

Shadow specialities :

Premium specialities :

Quick description

What is present here is just a brief summary. You can access complete description of a speciality and its associated skills by simply clicking on a name or by going down this page !

Combat specialities :

- Bestilige :
A class allowing you to boost all your "creature", "monster" and "flying monster" type units.

- Master of Siege :
Very useful class when you need to attack or defend a castle.

- Lord of War :
A class allowing you to handle huge armies without necessity to resupply more than time to time.

Support specialities :

- Great Architect :
Class specialised in castle building.

- High Castellan :
Class allowing you to boost allies castles with some specific upgrades and buildings only you can build.

- High Logistician :
Class allowing you to bring anything your allies can need direclty into battle, in order to spare them going back and forth to recruit or resupply.

Shadow specialities :

- Great Traquor :
Class specialised into harassing and surprise effect.

- High Scout :
A class to go way ahead from allies and inform them on what to expect.

- Master Spy :
A class allowing you to do sabotage stuff and spying in enemies castles.

Premium specialities

- Hunter of Legends :
Class specialised in concentrate bonus against enemies with superior ranks, or against a unique target.

- Guardian Lord :
A class to be much more efficient in combat, when on an ally's castle.


The bestiliges are Masters of animals and creatures. They know them and use them wisely, in virtuosos tamers of warbeasts. Nobody would like to find himself face to whole armies of creatures higher than humanoïds, and able to do devastators flank charges and enlightened strategies. Even if they cannot profit from the tactical versatility of others armies, forces of Bestiliges are of the most brutal and effective which can be…
These specialists are the most powerful of all, with massive combat bonus against all types of enemies, so cut yourself a bloody road in enemy's divisions !

Bestial formation
You are a master trainer, and under your command, even the most savage creatures lean and can be train to war !
-> Def+50% for your "creature", "monster" and "flying monster" type units.

You can bring the best out of your monsters, and know how to unleash their fury at the right time...
-> Dom*2 for your "creature", "monster" and "flying monster" type units.

You know how to exhort your conscripts to fight, and often recruit more troops for a less price when you gather your armies...
-> You gain +10% Reputation. Your minimum would so be 10%, and your maximum 25%, reducing as much the cost to recruit your troops.

Brutality :
Armies of monsters and beasts under your command are not plain predators or peaceful creatures, they are cunning warriors, living for battle, and train for that !
-> Val+50% for your "creature", "monster" and "flying monster" type units.

You are known among your peers, et there is no city or fortress that would refuse supplying generously a commander such as you !
-> You can carry twice amount of personnal supply (means Rank*1800 instead of Rank*900).

True master of flying monsters, you let behind ground concerns to join the sky...
-> If your army is composed only with 'flying monsters' type units, and is equal or smaller than 600 pts, you can travel between enemy's castles without restrictions.

You know how to instil war fever into the depth of the most inhuman and exotic hearts under your command, and to make the most of natural antagonism and squeeze the best of them and their brutal zeal !
-> Critic +1 for your "creature", "monster" and "flying monster" type units.
Premium skill : inactive when you are not in 'premium account'.

Hunter of Legends

Hunters of Legends are unusual beings, attracted exclusively by opponents way more powerful than them, tracking them down and reducing their troops to nothing with an incredible zeal, multiplying their strenght and cleverness tenfold face to impossible rivals...
Those specialists are perfect to hunt enemies more powerful than you, allowing you to combines numerous bonus against ranks superior to yours, legendary units, glory points owner or a single target of your choice !

Travel light
Your troops don't burden themselves with much, even if they must lose some protection and versatility, but gain a lot of travel speed. Less tired troops always go further, and a longer time...
-> Cost of classic movement (meaning not between consecutive castles and without special rules or events) will now be 1 PM.

You are a hunter of Powers, specialised in confrontations against superior ennemies, trading strenght with preparation, resolution and incredible focus on your opponents.
-> Your troops have a bonus of +1 pts of Val/Dom/Def per rank of difference between you and your enemy, when you attack one of his unit.
Example : if you're rank 2, you will have +1 against rank 3 enemies, +2 against rank 4, +4 against rank 6, etc...
The skill doesn't work for equal or inferior ranks than you.
Premium skill : inactive when you are not in 'premium account'.

The vendetta is an oath of combat pronounce by the Hunter of Legends, where he puts his heart and soul in an absolute resolution to destroy his opponent....
-> This skill unblock the 'Hunt' menu, where you will be able choose an enemy speciality, that will then become the target of your vendetta for 2 weeks.
You will be able to locate opponent of this speciality for free on the map of the 'Hunt' menu, during this time, and will benefit of +8 pts of Val/Dom/Def and +1 Range for all your units when attacking those opponents' armies, and -5 Val/Dom/Def on other specialities.
At end of this time lapse, the vendetta, and its bonus and malus, will be over, and you will be able to choose a new target (you don't have to buy this skill again, you just have the possibility of changing target !)
Premium skill : inactive when you are not in 'premium account'.

Know your enemy
Your preparations and research in anticipation of combats bring you a lot of informations, on the weak points and tactics of your targets...
-> Your skill 'Vendetta' benefits some special additionnal bonus, depending on target's speciality.
Great Architect, High Castellan, High Logistician : opponent will lose (damage*3) rubis at each of your attack against his units.
Great Traquor : your troops gain +3 Val/Dom/Def against enemy's 'harassing' type units.
Bestilige : your troops gain +3 Val/Dom/Def against enemy's 'creature', 'monster' and 'flying monster' type units.
Master of Siege : your troops gain +3 Val/Dom/Def against enemy's 'siege' and 'assault siege' type units.
High Scout, Lord of War, Master Spy : opponent will lose (damage*3/2) pts of supply at each of your attack against his units.
Guardian Lord, Hunter of Legends : target' units have a malus of -3 Val/Dom/Def and -1 Range when attacking you.
Premium skill : inactive when you are not in 'premium account'.

Some victories are more symbolic than others : by destroying the most popular enemies among their kind, you affect more severely and more permanently the people that adore them...
-> You got 1 chance on 20, at each attack, to steal one Glory point to your opponent (if he has one)
In addition, this skill allow you to gain access to the 'Hunt' menu, where you will be able to find, in exchange of 5 PM, enemies with glory points, on your sector of play and on all Lands of Saïhan.
Premium skill : inactive when you are not in 'premium account'.

Eternal champion
Your missions sometimes call you beyond limits of impossible, making you fight against mythical monsters and opponents belonging to legends of those Lands...
-> Your troops have a bonus of +5 Val/Dom/Def against rank 9 enemies units, and don't have their damage divided against 'legend' type units. In addition, this skill allow you to gain access to the 'Hunt' menu, where you will be able to find, in exchange of 5 PM, rank 9 enemies with armies, on your sector of play and on all Lands of Saïhan.
Premium skill : inactive when you are not in 'premium account'.

Great Architect

Every army needs a fallback base, logistics and troops supply. Great architects play that role : at a few kilometers from the fire of battlefields, they build bastions and fortresses with an incredible celerity, capable of pulling out food and raw materials from the most dry and desolate lands that can be...
Those specialists earn more rubis, construct better and more efficiently than any other, and do fortresses where others can't make more than simple outposts !

You are one of the best builders there is. As such, you benefit from some advantageous prices of merchandise, of course...
-> You gain +10% Builder characteristic. Your minimum will so be 10%, and your maximum 25%, and the cost to upgrade/buy buildings decrease accordingly.

You are a formidable constructor, and know how to quickly gather essential ressources to develop huge fortresses !
-> When you build a new city, it will now contain, automatically and right from the start, every raw materials productions buildings (stones, food, wood, etc...) at level 3, and all finishing buildings (armors, weapons, etc...) at level 1, freely, and without being count to the max daily upgrades amount.

Conquest is one thing, sustaining war effort is another. Great Architects are to ensure the logistic support for combat. They are the ones who secure positions and build fallback bases in enemy territory as they advance...
-> You can construct twice more cities, meaning rank *4 instead of rank *2.

Your enlightened advice allows great improvements in the war economy of your people, producing far more for far less !
-> When upgrading a building, its consumption only goes up by 25%, instead of 75%.

You are well regarded by the higher spheres because your work lays the essential foundations for the war. As such, you receive far more for your war effort than other commanders...
-> You earn +75% rubis each hour than normal rate.

Your progress in the war allow you to develop a cunning treasury system, offering you a way to manage great funds beyond incredible distance, ensuring a solid financial basis to all your construction work.
-> Your maximum amount of rubies is now 250.000, instead of 150.000.
Premium skill : inactive when you are not in 'premium account'.

Great Traquor

The war is not decide on battlefields, but mainly before. Tactical and military mastery of commanders don't make any doubt, but supremacy often requires the skills of saboteurs, traquors and hunters, operating behind enemy lines, with sapper's work that decrease as much the work for future ally and soldiers...
Traquors operate on enemy armies : harassing, poisonning and discretion are their masterwords !

Harasser :
Your soldiers have a great science about guerrilla tactics, sapper's work, or discreet sabotage operations. They have no equals to undermine opponents, in every situation.
-> Harassing attacks that you do are multiplied by 2, and your harassing units gain +5 in Val/Def/Dom.

Camouflage :
Surprise the enemy is before all a matter of making him ignore your presence. Ambushs, flank manoeuvers or back stabbing tactics : every one of those would be impossible to execute without camouflage skills of you and your troops !
-> Your army is not shown in the 'Order of march' menu, on the map, for enemies. Meaning you will appear on ally screens, but not on enemy screens. Note that they still can engage fight against you, if they are on the exact same location as you, and normally see you in battle menus.

Tracking :
Savage nature is more than your ally : it's your everyday life. Far from trails, you know better than anyone how to find your path...
-> If your army contain only 'harasser' type units, and is equal or smaller than 1200 pts, your can travel between enemy's castles without restriction, for twice the cost of PM.

Poisoning :
You are a master at harassing. Furtive like a shadow, you slip into enemy camps, poisonning food and supply, sabotaging weapons and mounts. Unstoppable, is because of you that the enemy is doomed even before entering the battlefield !
-> When you are on the same spot that a enemy army, you can poison 1d20% troops in a targeted enemy unit (meaning between 1% and 20% additionnal wounded, randomly, whatever how many troops they are in the unit), for 3 PM per poison attack.

Hunter :
You know tactics of your kind, shadow warriors, and can get ahead from them on their own field, transforming the hunter into prey...
-> Dom*2 against harassing type enemy units.

Pillage :
Art of diversion is a skill you master. Attack on one side, steal and pillage on another, you are undoubtedly efficient !
-> At each attack, instead of gaining (damage of your unit)*3/2 rubis, you gain (damage of your unit)*3 rubis. In addition, you steal (damage of your unit) supply to your enemy personnal stock, if he had some left !

Demoralisation :
Laws of war are not really your concern, and you teach a long time ago to your troops how to break enemy moral, by the most terrifying abuses in combat...
-> At each of your attack, enemy will lose 1 point of moral.
Premium skill : inactive when you are not in 'premium account'.

High Castellan

Castellans are protectors or allies castles, boosting their productivity and making their streets safe, as zealous and vigilante quartermasters. They manage the rearguard of fortresses builders, compensating their weaknesses by their supporting skills, always welcome by wise commanders...
Castellans are here to complete allies castles. They can build in them special buildings, that can limitate sabotages or boost productions, among other effects, and make survey and life easier for castles of their people !

Note : for equity matters between different ranks, special buildings prices (for buying and upgrading) is calculate with your rank, and not with buildings themselves. Actually, the base price is 1800*(your actual rank) rubis.
Note 2 : every effect explained is meant '... in the city where the special building is construct and present'. A building, even special like ones construct by Castellans, works only in the city where it was build !

As a particular quartermaster, you dispose of secret funds and war agrements to execute your skills...
-> This skill make you gain a bonus on castellan's building base price, allowing you to construct slightly faster your stuff. Bonus equals to 200*(your actual rank) rubis. In addition, you earn +25% rubies each hour.

Barracks breach
You have a deep knowledge of garrissons : how they work, how they are build, and all that kind of precious informations. Priceless...
-> Your units gain +5 Dom and your collateral damage are multiply by 2, when you attack an enemy garrisson unit.

Titanic construction site
You possess the secret of building Colossal Archs, those defenses allowing circulation to gigantic monsters from and to a castle. No doubt their vision as fullfilled enemy's heart with fear and push ones to madness...
-> You can build 'Titanic construction site' in allies castles. This building produce standard defenses called 'Colossal Archs', allowing monsters to attack, when defending a besieged castle. Building possess 3 levels.
Level 1 : 150 defenses as max capacity.
Level 2 : 300 max.
Level 3 : 600 max.

Tower of Watchmen
You have no equal in handling the life of a castle, and its safety. Milicians at your command can hunt as no one, between your walls, those shadow warriors your enemy will undoubtedly send behind your defenses....
-> You can build 'Tower of Watchmen' in allies castles. This building can affect and give malus to enemy Master Spies attempting sabotage in the city, if there's still a food stock in the city.
Level 1 : malus between 0 and (number of spies in the city, whatever faction they are), all divided by 2, rounded to nearest integer. Meaning : (1d(nbr spies in city - 1))/2, with a minimum of 0.
Level 2 : same equation, but the radius of count for spies number grows. (we count number of spies in the city and on a random distance around, at each sabotage attack).
Level 3 : same equation, but radius grows again.

Guild of Organizers
Organizers are an elite order, of few members, of a rare competence and with an erudition beyond every imagination. An ancient and powerful pact allow you to dispose of their services, in order to bear their knowledge to battlefronts, in the impossible gestion of castles in times of war...
-> You can build 'Guild of Organizers' in allies castles. This building improve every productions of the city, during the change of turn, and diminish every consumptions. Note : this special building doesn't affect max capacity of troops, just productions and consumptions, as long as it is present in the city.
Level 1 : cons -10%, prod +10%.
Level 2 : cons -20%, prod +20%.
Level 3 : cons -30%, prod +30%.

House of Protectors
You dispose of secrets present at the foundation of Protectors, this mysterious security elite attempting to preserve and organize workers under fire of lethal sieges, to maintain the supremacy of your people's castles !
-> You can build 'House of Protectors' in allies castles. This building improve production of undersiege castles, usually incredibly low.
Level 1 : decrease rate applying reduced to 75% of normal rate.
Level 2 : decrease rate applying reduced to 50% of normal rate.
Level 3 : decrease rate applying reduced to 25% of normal rate.

Defensive craftsman
There's something more efficient than a wall of unshakeable defenses : a wall of trapped defenses, that will put down your enemies even before than can reach the first wave of defenders !
-> You can build 'Defensive craftsman' in allies castles. This building produces standard defenses, 'retaliarves', posessing little PV, but capable of counter-attacking a lot of types of enemies.
Level 1 : 150 defenses as max capacity.
Level 2 : 300 max.
Level 3 : 600 max.
Premium skill : inactive when you are not in 'premium account'.

High Scout

No commander like to move forward blinded in enemy territory, that's why High Scouts exist. Only compose of veterans that fear nothing lurking without protection far ahead in enemy lines, those light and quick armies goes through countries at war, bringing back precious informations to generals that will come after us, bringing death with them...
Those specialists are faster than anyone, and benefits from combat bonus on light unit types, as well as some bonus on resupplying and recruiting. Some polyvalence to go far and quick !

Your army is one of the most experienced. Old flankers, division of loyal and solid soldiers, they react in a blink of an eye, and you often surround your enemies before then can even take formation...
-> Your maximum amount of PM is no longer 28, but 34. In addition, you now gain +1.1 PM per hour, instead of +1 PM.

Travel light
Your troops don't burden themselves with much, even if they must lose some protection and versatility, but gain a lot of travel speed. Less tired troops always go further, and a longer time...
-> Cost of classic movement (meaning not between consecutive castles and without special rules or events) will now be 1 PM.

You are known among your peers, et there is no city or fortress that would refuse supplying generously a commander such as you !
-> You can carry twice amount of personnal supply (means Rank*1800 instead of Rank*900).

Your warriors or the most vigilant that are. Under your command, its very rare to suffer any sabotage action or supply looting !
-> You lose half less supply when suffering a harassing attack. In addition, you block the 'pillage' skill of enemy's Great Traquors/Hunters of Legends.

You role is to be constantly ahead from ally lines. But sometimes, it leads you far beyond enemy lines, on risky missions that only you know how to accomplish...
-> You can move, with your army, from an enemy castle to another, but for twice the cost in PM.

Guerrilla warfare
You are not used to frontal and massive attack. Your strategies mostly are of skirmish, proximity and resistance, where you are brilliant !
-> Val, Dom and Def +5 for all your 'light cavalry' and 'light infantry' units.

Advanced camp
Sometimes your combats leads you far from sanctuaries that are fortresses of your faction. In those hostile lands, the protection of an outpost, even a poor one, can be enough for tired travellers to survive.
-> Allow you to construct 'advanced camps', small cities that cost 6 PM and 5000 Rubis, which can be placed on non-constructible zones, and producing little food, stones and 'fortifications' (special defenses blocking no one, but adding +2 Val/Def/Dom to defenders armies). No other building can be buy in camps, and their grade can't be raised.
Premium skill : inactive when you are not in 'premium account'.

High Logistician

Doing war requires a huge talent in organisation. Supplies, troops, transports : as much crucial points that makes difference between a lightning conquest and a general rout ! In this shadow domains, logisticians are pilars of well-going battles...
Logisticians are keystone of every battle : they bring all reinforcements others need to work : food, efficient healing, fresh troops. Their skills don't wrap around combat or city management, but in essential support for all other commanders.

You possess a medical organisation and logistic better than anyone else's, and the number, the skill and the knowledge of your medics are legendary. -> You can recruit medic units of 600 pts instead of 200 pts maximum.

Travel light
Your troops don't burden themselves with much, even if they must lose some protection and versatility, but gain a lot of travel speed. Less tired troops always go further, and a longer time...
-> Cost of classic movement (meaning not between consecutive castles and without special rules or events) will now be 1 PM.

You can raise food, water and various supply convoy, and bring them to front to resupply your allies...
-> You can 'put in stock' 1600*Rank supply units. This supply is independant of your own supply stock, and works like you were transporting a castle food stock : your allies can take it for free if they are on the same location than you. You can't take it yourself (even if you have no more personnal supply stock), and you can't prevent your allies to take it. (just like in a castle). You gain +0.25 Xp points for each slice of 150 supply units your allies take from you.

When a commander is unable to leave a front, it's yours to join him their, and bring necessary reinforcements to continue the battle !
-> Your personnal army can be recruit by any ally, just like in a city. You gain directly rubis spend that way by your allies recruiting your own troops, and +0.25 Xp points for each slice of 50 army points recruited that way. You can't prevent that recruitment, when this skill is acquire, so think well before buying it.

You know how to exhort your conscripts to fight, and often recruit more troops for a less price when you gather your armies...
-> You gain +10% Reputation. Your minimum would so be 10%, and your maximum 25%, reducing as much the cost to recruit your troops.

Barracks breach
You have a deep knowledge of garrissons : how they work, how they are build, and all that kind of precious informations. Priceless...
-> Your units gain +5 Dom and your collateral damage are multiply by 2, when you attack an enemy garrisson unit.

Siege are sometimes very long and lethal, et bring down to ruins the most gigantic fortress, by exhaustion of stocks and neverending bombardments. Being able to bring in some reconstruction materials is priceless !
-> With this skill, you can transport stone stocks from an ally castle to another (cost : 7 rubis/stone). This transport doesn't bring any Xp points.
Premium skill : inactive when you are not in 'premium account'.

Master of Siege

Masters of Siege are expert in the art of destroying castles or defend them. They know all strategies, all siege weapons, and are very often called to show their skills against enemy walls and weaponry...
Those specialists benefits from big bonus on or against siege weapons, and against enemy defenses : essential against enemy fortresses !

Your field experience allowed you to consequently upgrade the resistance of your siege weapons against enemy assaults.
-> PV*2 for all your "siege" and "assault siege" types units (ladders, pits, catapults, ram, etc...).

Your perfect knowledge of defenses structures allow you to find weak points in every defensive works and bring them down with a brutal accuracy !
-> Dom*2 against "defense" type units (walls, towers, etc...) with your "siege" and "assault siege" types units.

Collateral damages
You know a siege is a war of attrition, long and rigorous, than can be greatly cut short by destroying inside buildings of a besieged city...
-> Collateral damages, against enemy cities, are tripled : 6 PS substract to building for each attack instead of 2, or 15 stones instead of 5 if there's a stone stock in it.

You combat experience benefits greatly to cities you build : their are pure war fortresses !
-> Note : effets of this skill only apply on building producing defenses ! When upgrading a building, its ressource consumption only go up by 25% instead of 75%. In addition, if your castle is besieged, the rate of diminution of defense's production will be shorten by 25% (allowing you to produce a little more defenses, under siege).

You know enemy tactics, and their defense systems and retaliation weapons, and are able to be ahead of them in this field...
-> Dom*2 against "siege" and "assault siege" types enemy units (ladders, pits, catapults, ram, etc...).

Defensive deploy
Non-fighting and strategic units are often a favourised target by enemis, in a siege. Not yours. Not since you adapt multiple traps and lethal tricks to them !
-> Your access and blockage units (pits, ladders, treuils-worgs, sappers, etc...) gain automatic counter-attack, +10 in Val and Dom, and +2 in Range, when attacked by enemy.
Premium skill : inactive when you are not in 'premium account'.

Master Spy

Behind every open war, there are shadow soldiers, informants or prodigious infiltrators, elusive. Master spies work alone, ahead of allies armies, sabotaging enemy castles, harassing their armies, and vanishing without ever being spotted or caught...
Those specialists can harass enemy at will, because there's no shield against their sabotages, loot and poisonning. A painful and entrenched needle in opponent's foot !

Travel light
Your troops don't burden themselves with much, even if they must lose some protection and versatility, but gain a lot of travel speed. Less tired troops always go further, and a longer time...
-> Cost of classic movement (meaning not between consecutive castles and without special rules or events) will now be 1 PM.

You are a master of inside siege. Furtive like a shadow, you slip through enemy's surrounding walls, poisonning their food supply, sabotaging their defenses, exploiting every weakness. Unseen, it's because of you the enemy is already defeated when allied armies arrive !
-> When on an enemy castle, you can access a new menu, 'Sabotage', where you can sabotage 1d10% (between 1% and 10% more wounded, randomly) a targeted enemy garrison unit (defense or troop), for 3 PM. you gain +5 Xp points for each sabotage of that kind.

You're an expert in sapper's work. You excel in furtive approach in enemy buildings, in the very inside of their fortifications, putting explosive, cutting sustaining beams, damaging systematically production capacity of your enemies, then vanishing in the night before your crimes are found. When disaster comes, you're already far away...
-> You can spy in enemy fortresses (you can access this special menu in "Order or March", on the location you're at) and sabotage their buildings. Each sabotage action take between 3 and 5 PS to the targeted building, and cost 3 PM, ((Rank-1)*15+20) food supply unit (meaning 20 pts on rank 1, 35 on rank 2, 50 on rank 3, etc...) and 200 rubis, and make you gain +5 Xp pts.

Perfectionism :
Years spend in exercising your art and skills made you a prodigy among masters. Playing with shadows and mysteries like you were born in it, you become more and more dangerous and efficient with time and years...
-> Your skills 'Invisible', 'Sabotage' and 'Vanishing' are granted with bonuses. Your sabotage roll against buildings is increased by 1 every two ranks (+1 as baseline), and your sabotage roll against garrissons/defenses is increased by 1% every two ranks (+1 as baseline). Meaning at rank 4, your sabotage roll against buildings is 1d8 (+3 to standard roll), and 1d13% against garrissons/defenses (+3 to standard roll too).Your 'Vanishing' roll are improve every four ranks (meaning at rank 4 and 8).

You eyes see all, your ears hear all. Your skill put no one in safe place, and there's no information you can't obtain. So is your destiny and your will. How many enemy spies spotted ? How many enemy manoeuvers uncovered and made aborted ? All because of you, and your invisible trace following those of your targets...
-> You gain access to a new menu : 'Spying'. This menu will allow you, when and if you choose so each time, to see all allied and enemy spies in your sector, or to see a random sector, group or country missive from enemies present in this sector. See spies will cost 10 PM and will bring 15 Xp. See a missive will cost 5 PM and bring 8 Xp. Those informations will be granted only one time, after request. After that, you will have to pay again for it.

Some shadows possess a singular skill to make things vanish. At your level of mastery, you can make disappear entire warehouses....
-> You can now empty enemy stocks of ressources, in the spy/sabotage menu.
Premium skill : inactive when you are not in 'premium account'.

Guardian Lord

Guardian Lord is a great support to all his kind, playing the role of a zealous defender of fortresses of his people, going from a garrisson to another to bring his power and warrior might to every battle.
This cast is perfect to play fierce defense, giving numerous bonuses and advantages when the guardian lord is placed upon an ally castle, giving him access to garrisson and giving benefits to the attacked castle, like lesser time of blocking or free repairs when the guardian is here !

Your warriors or the most vigilant that are. Under your command, its very rare to suffer any sabotage action or supply looting !
-> You lose half less supply when suffering a harassing attack. In addition, you block the 'pillage' skill of enemy's Great Traquors/Hunters of Legends.

Your superior accreditation confers on you the possibility of taking the lead of any allied garrisson, your seals of legitimity and your reputation opening every door in front of you.
-> This skill allow you to fight with any allied garrisson (like you were the governor of the city)
Premium skill : inactive when you are not in 'premium account'.

Guard master
You defender's skills are not to by demonstrate anymore. No one is capable of organise, motivate and train garrissons units like you. Even in urgent times, you know how to forge walls of shields and unsparing wills.
-> If you're on an ally castle, your troops gain +5 Val/Dom/Def, in attack as in defense, and +1 Range and additionnal +3 Def if in defense.
Premium skill : inactive when you are not in 'premium account'.

The adage says unity is strenght, and you erect it at the rank of martial precept. Better than anyone, you know how to compose tactics taking strenght of allied strong and weak points, and how to create a cunning warrior synergy of all that.
-> Your troops gain +1 Val/Dom/Def for each ally present on the same location than you with an army.
Premium skill : inactive when you are not in 'premium account'.

Raging defender
Your fury to defend walls of your people is legendary. Your outgoings and counter-attacks, lightning, always push back enemy's sieges, and always grant a saving respite to castles you defend.
-> If your on an ally castle, each of your attack substract 8 minutes to current blocking time of this castle (if exist).
Premium skill : inactive when you are not in 'premium account'.

You are a master in dealing with damages, under fire, and know how to order troops and make them repair efficiently every damage provoked by neverending enemy bombardments, taking advantage of every moment to consolidate walls and buildings under your responsability.
-> If your on an ally castle, each of your attack repair for free 2 PS of a random damaged building inside the city.
Premium skill : inactive when you are not in 'premium account'.

Lord of War

Lords of battles know how to handle their troops, and this is their strongest asset. They're not always great fighters, by are from every battle, and have gained respect from their pairs and admiration from their troops. They have no equivalent for motivating thousands of soldiers, and gathering them in countless armies, leading them to battle with a ferm hand...
Those specialists benefits from a lot of discount around supply : increased maximum, decreased consumption, steel moral, all is done to favourised massive armies !

Aura of glory
Your soldiers will follow you in hell, and even further ! They will keep fighting for you where others would have surrender long before...
-> In case of empty supply, your moral will fall down at the rate of 2% per hour, instead of 5%. And when refurnished, it will go up by 7% per hour, instead of only 5%

You know how to exhort your conscripts to fight, and often recruit more troops for a less price when you gather your armies...
-> You gain +10% Reputation. Your minimum would so be 10%, and your maximum 25%, reducing as much the cost to recruit your troops.

Your soldiers know how to handle themselves in difficult times and rare food cases... -> Your hourly consumption of supply is divided by 2.

You are known among your peers, et there is no city or fortress that would refuse supplying generously a commander such as you !
-> You can carry twice amount of personnal supply (means Rank*1800 instead of Rank*900).

You only do massive manoeuvers. Small encounters are not your meal, but legendary battles are ! Your armies are vast as the sea, and your squadrons, infinite, blocking horizon from sight of the enemy, and filling them with fear !
-> You can have twice more army points. (meaning ((Rang*250)+150)*2 instead of (Rank*250)+150)

Wise manoeuvers
You are a proven and experimented warlord. They are few opponents capable of surprising you, on the battlefield, and to catch your armies off guard.
-> All your troops gain +2 Val/Dom/Def, and +1 Range, when attacked by enemy.
Premium skill : inactive when you are not in 'premium account'.

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