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In the depths of infinite and eternal realms of the great Doyran lie the Lands of Saïhan... Singing world according to the Magyön, strange and diffuse principle of any life on these fairy lands, it was populated since eons, and knew for a long time the peace of distant kingdoms... Among thousands of peoples and of mysterious creatures which teemed with an ardent life there, two of them had appeared since long millenniums: Goblyns, natives of the rocky labyrinths of Wysfäll and emerald forests in the Wood of Rustles, and Daronoans, often called crimson elves, slumbering in plains of Eternal Landes and in the depths of Mountains of Blood... Each lived in his continent, assuming its empires by the wisdom, and knowing weapons only by Arts which they created and the rare internal altercations appropriate for any hegemonic nation there... But a conflict between these two major powers of Saïhan, there was never one... |
It is then that in these time uncertain, the War fired on Lands of Saïhan, as last note of one disastrous gesture in honour of a peace which we could not imagine precarious A Vigilant of Daronoan crimson elves killed the great and magnificent Queen of the Sharras. How it arrived, nobody knows, and nobody will ever know, as it seems. The fury fired the fragile heart of each Goblyns and each ephemeral beings of the Forest, as a fervent and irrepressible wave, from the sea of Gastän to the rocky parades of the Chain of Tears. Nobody had known how to forseeing this murderous fate, and it taken everybody by surprise: Sharras, wanting to avenge their Queen, used their dangerous powers to instil the hatred and the fury in the heart of all Creation, as the clumsy move of an anger which had to precipitate all Lands of Saïhan into the most profound hells In the depths of goblyn fortresses of Wysfäll, in the North of Ygnëis Arhn desert, the Synod of Venerables decreed the Great War of Vengeance, and the knell of Daronoans Goblyns arrived from everywhere at once, uncountable and invincible, using the Labyrinth of Channels to deceive crimson elves sentinels. Arrived near the kingdom of Daronoans, on Arânjhal plateaux, they were of Fire and Devastation, a black rain preceding them in every battle as the knell of an already lost world King Orânhon of Daronoans reacts fast, and his legendary Warlords took weapons to repel the inexorable invader. Great Smithies of crimson elves became as blows of a thousand dragons, and the huge carmine armies of Daronoans moved henceforth up to the doors of the Labyrinth of Saïhan as an insatiable and inexhaustible unstable river of blood |
Gobelyns is beings created by the magic of Nature, the Magyön. They are at the same time humanoids, and more than this. Brought to the world by Sharras, ethereal dryads in synergy with all the Creation, they were models of intelligence, harmony and civilization. The goblyn nation became vast and cultivated, rich in its arts and whole in its works. They had assured their seizure on all the North of Lands of Saïhan, by their warrior sharpness and their perfect political model. Since the Queen of Sharras died, nevertheless, the Magyön breathes in them a hatred and an unlimited ferocity against Daronoans. They know no fear, and engaged in fires of the war their colossal armies and all the variety of faun-beings shouting justice by the rabies and the fury... You are a talented Goblyn warrior, and you joined the call to arms of the Synod of Venerables and the Circle of Sharras. You are the spear head of the lightning goblyn retaliation, and are ready for everything to avenge yours in the blood... |
Crimson elves are massive, ancient and without any friendliness. In the smiths and grumbling warriors, they do not take either pleasure nor punishment to live, their faces cut in a stone incapable of reflecting the slightest feeling. Hermetic to fear as to love, they owe their sibship and their union only to their wisdom and their pragmatism. Man as woman, all are equal, all share a tempered steel will and a life of hard labour which they lead with an inexhaustible strength and an incredible nobility. The Golden Crown, the king of all crimson elves, ordered the saving of his people, knowing well that it would imply to fight and to push away goblyns to their dens, without scruples in the slaughter nor moods in the fight. From then on, the uncountable strengths of Daronoan baronies came to color with scarlet the battlefields of Saïhan, under the watchful and sharpened eye of their commanders You are a noble Daronoan knight, and you have just taken the oath to the Sovereign Throne, at the Court of Orânhon. In a few hours, you will have joined the entrance of the Channels Labyrinth, and will be ready to take part in the war for Lands of Saïhan... |