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Duels |
- Acquisition and principleWhen your character will reach the rank 8, you will have the possibility of buying a new skill: "duellist" for a cost of 2000 xp points. This skill will allow you to possess a new menu : 'Duel', and to provoke or to be provoked in duel by all the players possessing this skill too and who are not being already engaged in a duel. In the menu 'Duel', you will find several panels, according to your state (engaged or not in duel, provokating or being provoked, etc.), which will be visible or not at the convenient moments. |
- Engage a duelYou can engage a duel with any player possessing the "Duellist" skill, and not being engaged at the time. Location of players on the Lands of Saïhan doesn't matter : in order to not destabilize the game, you don't have to move, on the map of Saïhan, to find and battle with other duellist's commanders. The arena of combat is fictionnal, and will not engage you in any real movement. Duels can happen without geographic influence on the game, like some kind of spirit battle in another dimension, at to your current game.
Note : you will notice that before every real duel, each opponent will know exactly conditions defined by the enemy, and must accept it before the duel battle can start. Note 2 : notice too that stakes are not post-negotiable or post-modifiable. If you want to do some negotiation, you can always contact directly your opponent by in-game message. Note 3 : engaging a duel cost 100 Xp pts to each opponent. Those Xp are decrease when the battle start effectively (and not before or if the duel is cancelled) If you do not have enough Xp, the duel is not cancelled, you just lose the few Xp you have left. Note 4 : the duel, in this phase of definition of conditions, can be cancelled at any moment, as you will see by experiencing it yourself, and is very clear about what step you are at and current informations, messages and stakes. When the real duel begin, all duel skills are reloaded, to be used by their owners. Dodging, armor and stamina scores of both opponents are put to their maximum. (cf following sections about duel battles) |
- StakesStakes are pearl of duels, bringing various nefast effects on the loser, or benefic ones on the winner. You possess in the begining only few stakes, having a very limited impact on the game : make your opponent lose rubis, armies or make yourself gain a glory point (see below the special section about this) Each duel has a stake, for each player engaged, that's the way it is. You can't change or cancel it once the duel battle begins. You can buy dozens more stakes in the evolution panel of your duellist, which will join your list of possibilities, shown during a duel provocation. The concept of stakes is simple : if the opponent lose, he will suffer the effect of the stake you chosen. Each stake possess a limited time of effect, when inflicted, usually depending on the power of the stake, but which is known since the beginning, because written in the definition of the stake. Stakes works like regular skills in game, meaning their effects are constant, specific, and are added to any other skill affecting a player the same kind of way as the stake. Example : the stake "Oath of the Lonely" diminish by 50% the maximum size of army of your opponent, if he lose the duel.... Effect will last 14 days, as defined in the description of this stake, and could be combined to the effect of skill "Commander" of Lord of Wars. 14 days later, the stake/skill will disappeared by itself, like a temporary skill reaching is end time. Note 1 : you can inflict a stake twice or more to the same opponent, but it will only work one time. Example : if opponent has one or twelve "Oath of the Lonely" inflicted to him, it will only have 50% less maximum size in every case, not 12*50% less maximum size ! Note 2 : if opponent suffers from different stakes in the same laps of time, on the other hand, all effects will be working ! A stake modifiyng army size and one affecting maximum moral have no reason to cancel each other ! Note 3 : if two stakes inflict the exact same area of effect, only the stronger will work. Example : opponent suffers from "Ring of Vipers" (maximum army size : -25%) and "Oath of the Lonely" (maximum army size : -50%) : "Oath of the Lonely" will be the only one to work. (that's kind of exception to "combo" rule, because several stakes works like "levels", succeding to each other to aggravate a precise effect, and are two powerful to be combined) Note 4 : stakes are inflicted separatly, which allow you to extend potentially the period of effect of a specific stake. Example : opponent suffers from a "Oath of the Lonely" of 14 days. 5 days later, he lose a duel and are inflicted another "Oath of the Lonely". The second one will not erase the first one, and only one will works (as explain before) but 9 days later, when the first one will disappear, the second one will still be here, and have 5 days of effect remaining. You can't multiply periods or effects, for a precise stake, but you can stack the same stake again and again to extend its period of effect ! Globally, stakes are considered and work like temporary skills, and so refers to basic rules about skills and temporary skills. Their purpose is to diversify the game, and to agree with opponents to "salt" wars and battles, each one attempting to put game's handicap on the other one by judicious stakes and victorious duels ! A mutual risk that could end in a marvelous result... |
- Caracteristics of duelDuel contains specific caracteristics. Actions : the most important by far : you possess three actions, which you will have to define at every turn, in the order you want them to be solved. You have 4 types of actions, which will be described in a dedicated section. Stamina : the duel battle last as long as you have stamina points left. The first to go down 0, or less, lose. If both opponents have 0 points or below, the lowest one lose. When your stamina is inferior to 15 pts, you suffer a malus of 1 point on attack and defense actions (meaning your attacks roll will be diminsh by 1 point, and you will consume 1 additionnal dodging point in case of a defense). This malus go up to 2 points if your stamina is below 10, and 3 points if stamina is under 5. Initial score of stamina is 20 (+5 pts at start for Loups duellists). Dodging : if you allocate a defense, in your actions, and your opponent attacks, your dodging points will be those which decrease, instead of your stamina. When your dodging points reach zero, defenses actions will not work anymore, and damages of enemy attacks will go directly on your armor and stamina score. Dodging score has a purpose of buffer against enemy attacks, granting you with a stock of points able to nullify opponent damages without risks or malus for you. Initial score of dodging is 20 (+5 pts at start for Goblyns duellists). Armor : once your dodging points exhausted, or if you didn't had a defense action ready against an attack, it's your amor that will take all damages. In that case, your stamina will also suffer some damage (-2 pts of stamina, automatically, for every opponent attacks undefended, in addition of attacks damages themselves), but pure damages will be taken by your armor. Like dodging points, armor points have a purpose of buffer against enemy attacks, granting you with an automatic but limited protection against them. Initial score of armor is 20 (+5 pts at start for Daronoans duellists) Momentum : correspond to reflex of your duelliste. If two actions (except for defenses) have to solved at the same time, a roll based on each opponent's momentum score will determine which action will be solved first. The highest momentum have obviously more chance of winning those critical rolls. Initial score of momentum is 5. Weapon : weapons allow you to change range and power of your attacks. Different weapons have different purpose ! Range : associated to weapon used, determine at what distance you can do an effective attack with this weapon. Minimum is 1, meaning you can only attack the square next to your position. However, if attack distance is inferior to the range of your weapon, your attack roll will be decrease, to represent an unnatural use of a long-range weapon in a closer ranger. Line of battle : this virtual line figurs the distance separating you from your opponent, making possible to determine if you are at range for an attack or no, and if movement actions will have to be done to obtain battle contact with your opponent. Special/skills : each action can be powered-up by a duel skill, if you possess one able to improve the selected action. (click picture for larger size) |
- The duel : actions, resolution and momentumDuel consist in a succession of turns, until one of the player fall to 0 point of stamina or less. Each turn, each opponent have to define 3 actions he want to execute. There are 4 different actions : - attack : allow to release an attack, if opponent is in range of your weapon. - defense : allow to put in stock a defense, in order to dodge a potential enemy attack. - move forward : allow to move one square forward on the line of battle (depending on your side, it can be one square left or one square right) - move backward : same as move forward, but to move one square backward. When all 6 actions (3 for each opponent) are defined, a button of automatic resolution appears down the panel of battle. Once clicked, all actions will by automatically solved, and a combat report will allow you to know how this turn works and ends, according to actions planned. Actions are solved one after another, during this resolution of turn : actions 1 of each opponent, then actions 2, then actions 3. When two actions of same rank (two actions 1, or two actions 2, or two actions 3) are in conflict, a reflex roll is done. This roll will decide which one of those two simultaneous actions will happen first. Its solved as follow : two random numbers are compared, generated between 0 and (player's score of momentum). One for each opponent, based upon momentum score of their owners. Highest win. Example 1 : both players have decided to define an attack on their "action 1". To know which attack will start first, a reflex roll is done. Both players have a momentum of 5, their rolls will so be generated between 0 and 5. First player obtain a roll of 3, and second player is more lucky and obtain 5 : the attack of player 2 will be solved first, and then the attack of player 1. A separate and new reflex roll is done for every pair of actions in conflict, so there are various possibilities of resolution of a turn, and numerous occasions to gain temporary advantage on your opponent. If, for example, players have defined attacks, moves forward and moves backward, it's possible that a lucky momentum roll allows a player to move back just before an enemy attack strikes, or, unlucky, to suffer this attack before moving back, fault on a bad momentum roll ! As there's plenty of possibilities, random rolls and expensive cost for momentum upgrade, it's nevertheless advise to count on a good and clever planification of actions instead of just pure luck ! |
- Movements and battle lineLine of battle allow to handle some concept of movements in combat. Linear and short, it has no vocation to occupy a major role, but in itself its already important : if opponent move backward before you can attack him, or forward when you believed you would time to rest, and an advantage can be digged quickly. "Move forward" and "move backward" actions only allow to move from one square to another, but with good timing, it can improve greatly your strategy. Important note : you can't move on the same square than your opponent. Meaning you can't never pass "on the other side" of your opponent. So keep in mind to note let yourself being cornered by your opponent, on the end of the line of battle : if you push back to much, and your opponent keep moving forward, you will be drive back to the wall and will not be able to avoid enemy attacks, enemy that will keep the choice to retreat whenever he wants ! Note 2 : if you are already in direct contact with your opponent, before a "move forward" action, or at the end of your side of the line of battle during a "move backward" action, the movement will be lost, fault on not being able to be solved ! |
- Actions of defense(Admin note : concept of defenses and their place in resolution of actions is complex. What guides this system is the fact defenses couldn't intervene in a regulard way in actions resolution, without changing all the combat system in some random and impossible to master stuff, which would have cast away any reflexion and tactics, making useless this mode and high stakes that comes with it. It has bring an obligation of dual-time system, crossing itself in a complicated way, at first sight, but finally more permissive and open to mastery) Defenses actions are particular, because they don't take part in direct resolution of actions, but are put in stock aside. More precisely, all defenses of each opponent are put aside before resolution of the very first action of attack or movement. They are stock separatly, in their order of definition, and are then use (if necessary) to counter attacks. Each attack will be counter by the first available defense of the opponent (and only by this one : one defense per attack) This defense will then be considered "used" (or "burned"), and will not be available for the rest of this turn. Defense will be used like that until there's no left, or not any more attack from the opponent this turn. Any defense not used for this turn is lost, you will have to define new defenses on the next turn if you want some. Meaning a defense is define, like attack and movement, for a specific turn, and is lost if not used or able to be used this turn. Order of defenses stocking is important too. First defense defined (whatever is action number is) will block first opponent attack (if there's one, and whatever is action number is), then the second defense defined (meaning with an action number superior) will block the second attack defined, etc... Order stays important, even if its handle aside from direct resolution. Example : if you define a defense in action 2 and another in action 3, and opponent define attacks on action 1 and 2, your "action 2 defense" will first block the "action 1 attack" from opponent, and then your "action 3 defense" will block the "action 2 attack" from enemy. Defenses are so not solved in direct resolution (defense in action 2 block an action 1 attack), but order still matter ! (defense action 2 before defense action 3). The example will be the exact same with action 1 and 2 attacks by opponent, and action 1 and 2 (instead of 2 and 3) defenses, or even action 1 and 3 defenses, on your side. It has its importance when using duel skills, which can boost specific defense : that will allows you to foresee and know exactly which defense will intervene at what time, and to assigned your skills according to that. Actions define as "defense" still count at their action number, "occupying" one blank case in order of resolution, even if put aside and useless in direct resolution. Meaning if you define a defense in "action 1" and an attack in "action 2", your attack will still happens only during "action 2" resolution, not "action 1" ! A defense stays a blank spot in direct resolution. You will have usually more efficiency by defining your defenses after other actions (on action number 3 or 2), as it has no impact on the fact your defense will still be able to block even an action 1 attack, but sometimes, if you need to delay some direct actions (for example if you want to wait for enemy to comes to you), you can have a use for early defenses assignment and their blank spots. Following section explain a series of examples to understand better how resolution and defenses work. |
- Examples of situationsFew examples of typical situations to clarify your rules comprehension : Player Joe has defined following actions : action 1 : attack, action 2 : defense, action 3 : attack. Player Bob : action 1 : attack, action 2 : move backward, action 3 : defense. Resolution : defenses of each opponent are put in stock aside (action 2 of Joe and action 3 of Bob) Reflex roll is done to know which of the two attacks in "action 1" go first. Joe wins the roll. His attack is blocked by the defense of Bob (indeed, it doesn't matter if the defense is define in action 3 : defenses are put in stock before real resolution, and used at the right time) First attack of Bob is then done, and is blocked by the defense of Joe (same thing : whatever is the action number of the defense, it doesn't change its part in this exact time) Let's continue with "actions 2" : none for Joe (his defense occupy this place), so no conflict, so no reflex roll, we directly solve the "move backward" action of Bob : he goes one square out if his opponent. Let's continue with "actions 3" : none for Bob (defense), so no conflict, we directly solve the attack of Joe, which fail, because Bob has moved backward in action 2, and is now off range for this attack. Next example, with a small change for Joe, changing place between actions 2 and 3 : Player Joe has defined following actions : action 1 : attack, action 2 : attack, action 3 : defense. Player Bob : action 1 : attack, action 2 : move backward, action 3, defense. As previously, defenses are put in stock, aside. Reflex roll is done for actions 1, to see which one goes first. Bob wins, this time (chance of momentum roll...) His attack is blocked by defense of Joe (define in action 3, but it doesn't matter, as we said) Then attack of Joe, blocked by defense of Bob. In action 2, this time, we have the second attack of Joe, in resolution conflict with "move backward" action of Bob. This time, a reflex roll is done, because actions are at the same rank of resolution ("action number 2"). Joe wins. His attack is done. Bob have no defense left in stock, and is punched hard in the face. Bob then do his movement action, go backward, and the turn ends there. (no more attack or movement actions to solve) We notice here the slight change of resolution, only by the choice of planification of actions. Let's go on with another small change, this time for Bob, exchanging his movement by a defense : Player Joe has defined following actions : action 1 : attack, action 2 : attack, action 3 : defense. Player Bob : action 1 : attack, action 2 : defense (n°1), action 3, defense (n°2), which is granted by a special skill in addition (the effect of skill doesn't matter in this example, just remember defense n°2 has an associated skill with it). Resolution : defenses are put in stock, aside (note that you gave a specific number to Bob's defenses, to understand how it works) Reflex roll for actions 1, Joe wins again. His attack is blocked by first defense in stock of Bob (defense n°1, which is standard) Attack of Bob is then solved, and blocked by Joe's first and only defense. Actions 2 : there's only attack of Joe that can be solved, which is blocked by defense n°2 of Bob. In addition, this defense activate its special effect, cause to the skill Bob associated with this defense. The effect doesn't matter, this example only show how defenses and attacks are solved and crossed during the resolution of a turn. We could take a last example, where Joe does only one attack, and define two defenses, and where Bob's actions would remain the same. In that case, defense n°2 of Bob would be lost, because Joe wouldn't have enough attack to be blocked, and the associated skill of Bob's defense n°2 would not be activate this turn. (he should have put in on his defense n°1 !) This simplified examples, even incomplete, shows how planification of a turn, with cleverness and some reflexion, can affect a precise turn of duel battle. |
- Resolution of attacksDetailled resolution of an attack in itself is quite simple. We start by verifiying opponent is in range : number of squares separating you from your opponent must be equal or inferior to the range of your weapon. If not, attack is lost, and we do the next action. We consider that opponent one consecutive squares are at one square from each other, which is the minimum possible. (and also the range of your basic weapon) If the range is good : each attack generates between 1 and 6 points of damage, and consume 1 point of stamina of the player doing it. If opponent has a defense, the defense will make the damage diminish dodging score of opponent. If opponent don't have enough dodging points for all damages cause by the attack, damages will fall on remaining dodging points, and then armor points of opponent. Note : when dodging score reach 0, its no longer necessary to define defenses, all damages will fall on armor points, just like you didn't had defined defenses ! If opponent don't have defenses defined, or dodging points, damages will diminish armors points of opponent. Each attack unblocked like that decrease, in addition of all damages, 1 point of stamina of your opponent, to represent the fact taking a blow on armor in more violent than just dodge it. If opponent don't have enough armor points for all damages cause by the attack, damages will fall on remaining armor points (-1 additionnal on stamina points), and then stamina points of opponent. If opponent don't have any armor points left, all damages goes on stamina points of opponent, until zero (which ends the duel) |
- End of turnAt each end of turn, each duellists regain 1 stamina points and 1 dodging points. All actions are reset, and ready to be defined once again, and give a new turn. A combat report is generated, available for consultation at any time of the next turn, summary of all actions solved during resolution. (this report is overwrite each turn by the next turn's one) |
- Duel skillsDuel skills have a different work system than standard skills of the game. (in addition of the fact they can be used only in duels) First, they can be used only once per duel (they are regenerated after each duel) Second, they need to be assigned to actions. Meaning they don't work automatically, they need to be manually placed on an action, and need this action to happens, to work. They are three types of duel skills : defense, attack and global ones. That corresponds to actions you must associate them with : defense skills will work only on defense actions, attack skills on attack actions, and global skill can work on any actions. (description of each skill will allow you to understand what they do exactly and how) A skill that gets activate is considered "used" (or "burned"), and will not be available any more for the rest of this duel. A skill associated to an action which has not been used or solved is not considered activate, and so stays available for next turns. Example : typically, a off-range attack, or a defense not used for blocking are "lost actions", unsolved, and skills associated with those kind of actions are neither activated nor lost, and stays available for next turns ! Depending of actions, skills will be considered "used" at different moments. A "global" type duel skill has tendancies to be systematically activated, early in resolution. A "attack" type duel skill will be activated after the attack begin (and range verification), but before we verify is opponent has a defense or not. A "defense" type duel skill is often more specific, and will activate only in precise conditions, sparing you from useless activations if all conditions are not here to make the skill works. Depending on all that, it's less or more risky and less or more efficient to associate a skill or not to an action. Duel skills can be bought with PE (see below) |
- End of duel and PEWhen at least one of the player is at 0 point of stamina or below, at the end of the resolution of a turn, duel battle is over. The winner is the one with the highest score of stamina remaining. (or the less lower ! ^^) Stake define by the winner is affected to the loser (except for the stake "you gain 1 glory point in case of victory", but every others stakes usually define a malus affecting the opponent) Each player will receive, in addition, 1 PE, or "point of evolution", which will allow them to buy new duel skills, or upgrade their duel caracteristics. Note that the evolution panel is available only outside duel battle, and not during them, in order to avoid a critical change of caracteristics or skills during the battle. Both opponents are then free of obligations, and can go provoke new opponents in duel to progress again and again. (click for larger size) |
- Glory and prestige unitsA particular stake of duel allow you to gain Glory points. Those points give you the possibility to recruit Units of Prestige, specific and usually powerful units that can be found nowhere else, sometimes even offering special and amazing tactic abilities ! You can just recruit those units of prestige, not build them. Those units can be recruit on any ally castle, in the recruitment panel. Prestigious units can't be recruted on a logistician or a besieged castle. Those units are visible only if you have at least 1 Glory point, in which case a secondary panel of recruitement will be available in the recruitement menu. Those units are affected by "pool" rules : some are available only in special countries, some in all, some in only one country. Some country could even not have any prestigious units in it. You will be able to recruit only one contingent of a specific unit, and will have to wait until you entirely lost it before being able to recruit this one. Prestigious unit follow the same rules as regular units (supply, army size conditions, etc...) Some of those units have special siege rules and abilities, which will be describe aside if needed. |