- Under fire
As an additionnal collateral effect, every buildings of a city are stopped automatically when a siege attack is done, to depict some "pinned down" situation, and its consequences.
Stopped productions will be reactivate automatically after a while if no further attacks happen, but you can still reactive the city yourself, with a button meant for it, appearing in this city panel when you're under fire.
Note : this is a different "stop" effect than "manual stop" of production. Manually stopped production will still stay stopped. The button affect only the "siege stop".
Siege stop time is inversely proportional to the number of defenders (with armies).
It's calculate as follow :
Stop time = 24 hours - (nbr of armies in defense)*4
If the owner of the city is present, even without an army, he counts as 3 defenders with armies, meaning he decreases stop time by 12 hours.
Minimum stop time is 4 hours (whatever the number of defenders)
Example : without any defenders, a castle will be stop for 24 hours in case of attack. If there are 2 defenders with armies over it, stop time will only be 16 hours. With 4 defenders with armies, stop time would be 8 hours.
However, buildings producing defenses (like walls, towers, moats, etc...) can be reactivate before the "stop time" ends, manually or not.
That represents the fact a defense is most likely "under direct fire" than "under indirect/collateral fire" : a building can't produce something meant to be build in front of enemies : workers are not insane ! Even if they were, it's useless and impossible to build something that takes direct hits all along its construction !
"Defense producing" buildings can't be reactivate before the end of stop time, but they still are automatically after that time's end.
Stop times and this kind of stuff are indicate in the city, when needed.
In addition (sieges are rude, you know ?), building's rate of production is diminish, if enemy's armies are present over the castle. (even with no attack from them)
Production will be divided by number of enemy armies on the castle, minus number of defenders armies on the castle, with a minimum for division of 3.
Example : you produce, usually, 30 walls per hour. If there's 1, 2 or 3 enemy armies on your castle, you will then only produce 10 walls per hour (if not stopped). If there's 6 enemy armies, you will even only produce 5 walls per hour (30/6=5), and only 3 walls per hour if there's 10 enemies on your city !