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<< Experience SaiHelp Cities >>


Sections :

- Map limits

When you are on the frontier of a map/sector, a tip message can propose you to cross the limit and go to the next country
If you choose to change country, you will be moved to the next sector across the border, in exchange of a few PM.
Note : not all frontier road points give you this possibility, only a few of them, on each side of a map, will allow you to change country. You can scout them easily : they are in blue, like the one here.

- Consecutive fortresses

If you move directly from one castle to another, special rules can take place :
- If those two castles are of your faction (yours or allies), movement will only cost 1 PM. (to represent the safe travel roads probably quickly construct between near castles of your faction)
- If those two castles are enemies, movement is considered impossible : the first castle block you the way to the second, you must destroy it first to pass ! (to represent enemy territory, constant enemy patrols and tremendous risks that no one would or could take to travel there before pacifying outpost fortresses !)
Those rules don't apply if you don't have any army. So, even blocked between two enemy castles, you can "free" your units to move more easily.

- Nonconstructible zones

Depending on lands, some road points can be defined as unconstructible zones.
That means you can't construct cities on it, but you can move through it without any problems or malus.
You can find nonconstructibles zones in deserts (usually 2 or 3 for each sector), and mostly in swamps (usually most of road points in each sector)
There is no non-constructibles zones in moutains or plains

<< Experience SaiHelp Cities >>

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