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<< Combat SaiHelp Siege table >>


Sections :

- Collateral damage

When you attack a city (garrison, defense or defender's armies), some damage are done to the buildings inside. This is called "collateral damages".
Each building possess 15 points of structure (or PS), at start.
This capital go up from +15 points at each upgrade of the building (15 PS for level 1, 30 PS for level 2, 45 PS for level 3, etc...)
When an attack is resolve and successful against a garrison or a defense of a city, or an enemy's army present over the city, a random building of this city lose 2 points of structure.
If a building PS capital fall to 0 or less, the building is destroyed (so the production is nullify, but the garrisons/defenses/stocks already produced are not destroy !)
If you possess a stones stock of more than 5 stones, an automatic and instant fix is done, instead of losing those structure points, in exchange of 5 stones. This fix can't be stop, by you nor the enemy.
That means a castle lose all its stones stock before starting losing random PS on buildings, and after a while buildings themselves, when diminish to 0 PS.

"No Defense" Rule : a castle possessing no defense left (whatever the garrison and the reinforcements there is), will see its collateral damages multiplied by 3 (the absence of defenses making the siege more easy and lethal !).

"Abandonned" Rule : a castle non visited by his owner or his allies during a long period of time will see its weakness increase. If a castle had no visit since 10 days, collateral damages will be mutiplied by 2 on it. After 20 days, they will be multiplied by 3. And after 30 days or more, they will be multiplied by 4 !

Note : collateral damage multiplicators are added with each other, not multiplied.
Meaning a castle under 'no defense' rule and 30 days of 'abandonned' rule will not have a collateral damage multiplicator of 12, but "only" of 7.
This castle will so lose 5*7 = 35 stones at each attack, or 2*7 = 14 PS on a random building at each attack, if its stone stock is empty.

- Under fire

As an additionnal collateral effect, every buildings of a city are stopped automatically when a siege attack is done, to depict some "pinned down" situation, and its consequences.
Stopped productions will be reactivate automatically after a while if no further attacks happen, but you can still reactive the city yourself, with a button meant for it, appearing in this city panel when you're under fire.
Note : this is a different "stop" effect than "manual stop" of production. Manually stopped production will still stay stopped. The button affect only the "siege stop".

Siege stop time is inversely proportional to the number of defenders (with armies).
It's calculate as follow :
Stop time = 24 hours - (nbr of armies in defense)*4
If the owner of the city is present, even without an army, he counts as 3 defenders with armies, meaning he decreases stop time by 12 hours.
Minimum stop time is 4 hours (whatever the number of defenders)
Example : without any defenders, a castle will be stop for 24 hours in case of attack. If there are 2 defenders with armies over it, stop time will only be 16 hours. With 4 defenders with armies, stop time would be 8 hours.

However, buildings producing defenses (like walls, towers, moats, etc...) can be reactivate before the "stop time" ends, manually or not.
That represents the fact a defense is most likely "under direct fire" than "under indirect/collateral fire" : a building can't produce something meant to be build in front of enemies : workers are not insane ! Even if they were, it's useless and impossible to build something that takes direct hits all along its construction !
"Defense producing" buildings can't be reactivate before the end of stop time, but they still are automatically after that time's end.
Stop times and this kind of stuff are indicate in the city, when needed.

In addition (sieges are rude, you know ?), building's rate of production is diminish, if enemy's armies are present over the castle. (even with no attack from them)
Production will be divided by number of enemy armies on the castle, minus number of defenders armies on the castle, with a minimum for division of 3.
Example : you produce, usually, 30 walls per hour. If there's 1, 2 or 3 enemy armies on your castle, you will then only produce 10 walls per hour (if not stopped). If there's 6 enemy armies, you will even only produce 5 walls per hour (30/6=5), and only 3 walls per hour if there's 10 enemies on your city !

- Ruin meter and logical destruction

If a castle is under siege too long, even with defenders, nothing can really save it from crushing into ruins.
This rule work as follow : when a castle reach size 0 (meaning every single building inside is destroyed, storage buildings aside), a ruin meter starts.
The ruin meter will stop and go back to 0 if you buy a building in this city. (doesn't work for castellan's special buildings)
If not stopped, castle will be destroy when the ruin meter reach 14 days.
Meaning if your castle go down to size 0, you got 14 days to build something new in it, or it will be destroy !

In addition of that, if a castle reach size 0, and if there's no defense left and no garrison unit left, it will be automatically destroy during the next enemy attack, because, de facto, it doesn't exist anymore !
It is a superior step of a simple ruin meter, which depicts only an empty city, but still possessing defenses or garrison units !

- Capture a castle

When there's neither defense armies nor garrison units in an enemy castle (meaning there's just defenses left), you got a small chance of having the possibility to capture the castle, at each attack (if you do not reach your maximum number of castles yet).
This chance depends on the size of the enemy castle, but will always be less than 1.5% per attack.
Bigger is the castle, harder is the capture, and the percentage will be diminished. (the rate will then be indicated in combat report)
If the percentage roll is good, a text box will appear then, up the battle screen, offering you the choice of capturing or not the castle.
Beware : this box will only be shown one time ! If you change page, it will disappear, and you will have to start again your attacks to obtain once again a good percentage roll and see it one more time !

If you choose to make the capture, the castle will be yours instantly.
All buildings and stocks will be destroyed, as well as a random number of defenses, in what is left at this point.
Your new castle will be so of size 0, with potentially some few defenses left.
It will keep is former name, but you will be the new owner.
This option allow you to spare time in long and undefended sieges, sparing you the need of bringing down all defenses to free the location, then spend 24 PM and 5000 rubis to rebuild your own castle, and then only rebuilding some defenses.

Note that a castle can go from hand to hand several times, if badly defend by each faction !
If you have too few army left when capturing the castle and had reconstructed nothing after that, enemy will have no difficulty to reestablish necessary conditions to try a revenge capture !

- Active garrisons

If you possess an undersiege castle, and if this city possess garrisons, you can use those garrisons in combat, instead of units of your own army.
Indeed, you are the governor of this city, so you can order and command your troops of garrisons to defend in a less passive way the city !
Some conditions :
- you must on the location of the city (obviously)
- you must own the city, and possess garrisons troops (defenses don't work for that !)
- it's facultative to possess an army of your own. Instead of the message "you don't possess any force", when you come to the battle menu, if you don't have any army, you will see the battle columns, and will be able to click on garrisons units as if they were normal units of your army.
The rest works the exact same way. (attack, PM, xp, etc...)

- Repairs

Repairs on garrisons and defenses are done automatically, one time per hour.
- Each defense earn "- 5 wounded" per unit.
- Each garrison earn "- 1 wounded" per unit, but only for unit with a PV characteristic of 6 PV and less (in order to avoid heals of monsters or big beasts, too naturally strong)

Example : an undersieged castle possess :
- 100 swordsmen (with 50 wounded)
- 50 walls (5 "wounded")
- 10 towers (7 "wounded")
- 3 dragon-lords (2 wounded)
One hour later, it will have :
- 100 swordsmen (with 49 wounded) (garrison : 1 troop "fixed")
- 50 walls (0 "wounded") (defense : 5 troops fixed)
- 10 towers (2 "wounded") (defense : 5 troops fixed)
- 3 dragon-lords (2 wounded) (more than 7 PV : no fixing)

- Victory

Victory in siege have already been described and explained in section "Combat". See "Victory" section at bottom of the page.

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