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SaiHelpCombat à 2011-11-02 12:28:01.
- Recruitment
To begin recruiting troops, you have to be on the same location than a city of your faction, and the place must be free of enemy armies.
Select the "Enter" option proposed on the tip message (when you move your cursor over your avatar) (see Movement for more informations)
You will then see the troops at your disposal in this castle for you to recruit, their characteristics and unitary price.
Your call to choose how many of them and which units you want (or can) recruit.
Don"t forget a good "reputation" lower the price of recruitment.
Note : this lowering is already taken in charge in the price. See Reputation section in "Cities" help for more infos.
Note 2 : the owner of the city always gain 1/3 of the price paid to recruit. If you are the owner, it means you have 1/3 of the price refund !
- Army size
You army have a size, calculate by sum of (PV * Nbr) of all your units. (see further for the signification of those characteristics)
Your maximum army size is limited by your rank : 150+(Rank*250).
So your army have a limit of 400 at first, then 650 on rank 2, then 900 on rank 3, etc...
- Initiating combat
To begin a battle, nothing more simple : go on the same location as an enemy army, and choose "Attack !!!" option, showing in the tip message of your avatar (still see Movement for infos)
You will enter the battle screen (also called battle menu). On the left, you will see your troops and those of your allies, as well as ally defenses and garrisons if you are on a friend's castle.
On the right, enemy forces (and defenses and garrisons if on an enemy castle)
You don't have to "initiate" or "terminate" a battle in pure fact : being on the same spot as a enemy army is always considered as a battle, even if you just pass over or don't do any attack.
To attack, you have to click on one of your unit (not ally units of garrisons/defenses), then click on a enemy unit.
After that, you will see those two selected units on the central column. Choose a fight mode in this column (normal attack, continuous, etc.. see tip message explanations for infos), and the attack will happen !
Each normal attack cost 0.5 PM (in order to accelerate fighting, aside from movement)
- Allies
Your allies units aren't useful in battle, they are handle by their owners, and are listed only for information.
For the enemy , no difference is made : all armies are listed entangled, it's your call to choose your target (a specific unit or commander).
Note : allies and defenses can in fact have a use, but only in siege, which is studied aside from standard combat. See "Siege" section for that.
- Characteristics
Your troops have a certain number of characteristics. Here are their meanings :
- Val : it's the "valor" of your unit. It's the first number use in combat, to determine if you hurt your enemy or not.
- Nbr : it's the number of warriors in this unit.
- Déf : represent the defense capacity of your unit (armor or dodging)
- Dom : these are the damage your unit can deal to opponents. You can hit your enemy as many time you want, if you don't do much damage, that can be useless.
- PV : the points of vitality, or health points, representing as well stamina and height of the unit. A standard humanoïd have 1 PV, a 8 feet tall monster 2 PV, an heavy horseman 3 PV, etc...
- Range : the distance of attack of this unit. This characteristic as a use for calculating counter-attack (see further).
- Wound : for "wounded", indicates the number of wounded ones in your unit. (being wounded don't affect a unit capacity to fight, in Saïhan, it's just an indicator of longevity)
- Type : indicates the type of this unit : siege, light or heavy infantry, monster, creature, shooting unit, etc...
- Nemesis : it's the strongest feat of your unit. This indicates against which unit yours is the most powerful !
- Xp : experience of your unit. Veterans are always more cunning than fresh meat...
- Moral : despite its more like one of your own characteristic than one of your units, it represent average moral of your troops, and so their efficiency and will in combat.
- Attack !
When you have selected your unit and the enemy unit to attack, and choose your attack mode, the fight begins :
- the game generate an attack roll, randomly between 0 and the value Val of your unit. (if your unit got 10 in "Val", the roll will be a random number between 0 and 10, like you were rolling a ten-face die)
We will note this random roll 1dX, where X equal the characteristic use for it.
- to this roll we add (Nbr * Val of your unit)/(Nbr * Déf of enemy unit). This is the power struggle between those two units.
- to this roll we also add as a bonus (Xp of your unit)/10 (see further on the same page). The more experienced is a unit, the more chance it have to win a fight !
- at last, this roll is multiplied by (moral)/100. So this is very important to always have a perfect moral, in order to avoid useless loss in rolls.
This roll is opposed to an enemy defense roll, calculate on this base: [ (random roll between 0 and enemy Def)+(Xp of enemy unit /10) ] * Moral of enemy army / 100.
Resume :
- attack roll = (1dVal + struggle + Xp/10 ) * Moral/100
- defense roll = (1dDef of enemy + Xp/10 of enemy) * Moral of enemy /100
If the attack roll is superior to defense roll, you did manage to hit enemy unit.
Note : if the nemesis of your unit is the type of enemy unit, your attack roll will be multiply by 2 ! (see further for nemesis)
Note 2 : if the nemesis of enemy unit is your unit type, his defense roll will as well be multiply by 2 !
- Damage and Nemesis
Impact struggle is worth (Nbr*Dom)/(10*Nbr*PV of enemy).
If you hit enemy unit, a damage roll is then calculate : damage roll = (1dDom + impact + Xp/10) * Moral/100
Enemy unit don't interfere in this roll, as armor, dodging and those kind of parameters were dealt with in the power struggle and defense roll.
If the Nemesis parameter of your unit is the same as enemy unit's Type parameter, the damage roll is multiply by 2.
In addition, an adequat nemesis always allows you to wound/kill at least one if member of enemy unit :
Example : your swordsmen (nemesis : monster, Dom : 10) attack some barbakus (type : monster, PV : 30) : if you do more than 30 on your damage roll, it stays unchange, but if you do less, the roll will be increase to 30, to allow you to wound at least one of this monster, to represent the fact your unit is specialize in killing monsters like that !
So the nemesis is crucial, in combat : choosing the adequat unit to destroy your enemy may double your attack roll, defense roll, damage roll, and even increase your damage roll if it's not sufficient !
Be sure to use the right nemesis, or to kill dangerous enemy units, possessing nemesis that can bring your strategy to ruin if you let them take the lead !
(if you choose the right nemesis against the right enemy unit, a message will indicate this, in the central column, before you choose an attack mode)
- Critical
The "critical" is a small number, going from 0 to 5, appearing next to your unit's nemesis, between brackets.
Critical allow you to bring even more damage on your opponent, in a case of adequat nemesis/unit, by multiplying by 3, instead of 2, the rolls happening !
Meaning if your roll is already double by a right nemesis parameter, an additionnal roll is made, between 0 and 5.
If inferior or equal to the Critical characteristic of your unit, your rolls will be multiplied by 3 instead of 2 !
If superior, rolls will still be doubled, so you don't lose the points of nemesis.
This counter-balance units, because some of them will deal less damage than others, but could have a better "critical" potential, and so be more useful on a long use. Some are instantly more powerful, but with a lesser "critical" potential that will not surprise you often.
Example : catapults (nemesis : defense, Dom : 25) have a 4/5 critical (meaning 4 chances out of 5 to multiply rolls by 3). Aside, you have trebuchets (nemesis : defense , Dom : 40) having a 1/5 critical (1 chance out of 5 to multiply rolls). In contradiction of what basic characteristic can teach you (25 and 40 Dom), those two units are more difficult to separate, as catapults have more chance to deal less damage, but multiplied by 3 numerous times, and trebuchets can do potentially tremendous damage, but rarely.
- Points of vitality
Enemy unit's number of members affected by damage is calculate simply by (damage roll result)/(PV of enemy).
If you don't do enough damage to wound or kill an enemy, damages are still recorded, and will be added to next ones dealt. This is called "residual damage", that take in consideration that a dragon with dozens of arrows in his chest will die more easily than one without a scar !
- Wounded
The characteristic "Wound" takes place now. This is a kind of "additionnal life" without effect on the game other than giving time to troops to survive a little more.
After damages are dealt and the number of affected enemies is calculated, we don't "kill" right away those enemies.
We will first increase their number of wounded (value "Wound").
If this number reach the "Nbr" characteristic of the enemy unit, that means every member of this unit is wounded, and then, and only then, each attack will really "kill" enemies, decrease their real numbers.
This characteristic is mostly virtual and for informations : you must first destruct "virtually" all unit before killing it effectively.
"Wound" give the commander a status report of the health of his troop. Send most entirely wounded troops in battle is a great risk of loosing them all.
Whereas before that, you can heal them. (with healing type units, see further)
As long as your "Wound" count is inferior to your "Nbr", you can still get through the fight without any scar !
In conclusion, this "absorbing shield" increase greatly the lifetime of your troops, and let you handle their surviving rate, without loosing everything stupidly because of a full-PM enemy with a good nemesis fall on you !
Note : "overflowing" damage is working, meaning if you put a unit to 100% wounded, and you still got some damage points left to hit it some more, you will hit it, and begin killing for real some enemy troops !
- Counter-attack
If the enemy "Range" characteristic is equal or superior to yours, opponent can strike back to your attack !
This attack is resolved simultaneously to yours. (even if your attack result is total destruction of opponent, you can't avoid his counter-attack !)
If the enemy apply to this condition, the counter-attack happens, exactly the same way your attack was handle (attack, defense and damage roll, nemesis, xp, moral, skills influence, etc... everything)
- Supply and moral
We already talk about "moral" above, and it's importance on battle rolls.
Note : "supply" or "food" are the same thing.
Moral decrease when you don't have enough supply left, and go up when you have, by 5% per hour. (-5% in case if you're short on supply, +5% else)
Minimum moral is 15%, and maximum 100%, obviously.
The consumption rate of your supply is calculated as follow : sum of (Nbr*PV) of all units of your army, divided by 10 (in short : "army size/10")
This rate is showed right aside from your supply, in brackets, at the top of screen, in your character scroll.
The consumption, and the recalcultation of the rate, take place at each turn (one time per hour, so, and not in real time)
Buying supply is in the same menu as recruitment (see beginning of this page for more info) : if the city you're in got some supply/food in stock, you can freely and entirely take it as yours.
Your maximum own supply stock is (actual rank*450), and you can't take more of it. (hey, give some space and food left for your allies !)
It's your call to adjust how many troops you take with you, in order to not consume to much supply too fast, in order to not see your fridge empty itself and your moral begin to fall apart..
Note : if you have no units left, and still have supply, you gain +10% moral per hour, instead of +5%.