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- SkillsSkills are very various, and give you various bonus, from a reduction of supply consumption to permanent multiplication of damages against precise units, or special buildings to construct, battlefield invisibility and else... Discover and explore complete list of skills available here : specialisations and skills. The price of a skill is (Nbr * 300) Xp, where "Nbr" is the number of skills you already possess. Meaning the first skill cost 0 Xp, the second, 300 Xp, then 600 Xp, etc... |
- Ennoblement and RankIn all those rules, there's a lot of reference to the "rank" of your commander, for storage limit to max personnal supply or army size. It's in the "Experience" menu that you will be able to access to superior ranks, and so upgrade comfortly your social position and your tactical possibilities. This is called "ennoblement", meaning you upgrade your rank by 1. (you are "rank 1", at the beginning of the game) Each new rank cost (actual rank) * 250 Xp. The maximum regular rank reachable is 8. (for rank 9, see this page) A test has to be passed, to reach rank 7 or 8, containing questions about the background of the game, its rules and its units. (all infos are available on this wiki, in all different sections and appendices) Each rank goes with a title (knight, baron, duke, etc...), added before your name. You can play with it as you wish to. To resume all information about ranks, ennoblement gives : - Ruby bonus (salary = 100*Rank, each hour) - Maximum number of city upgrade (total cities at max = 2*Rank) - Storage bonus for each ressource in each city (max stock = (600*Rank)+800) - Maximum army size bonus : (max army size = (250*Rank)+150) - Personnal supply bonus : (max supply = 900*Rank) - High-Logistician bonus (see specialisations and skills page) - Rank 4 : possibility to make legends for strategic maps in "Maps" menu - Rank 5 : possibility to send a message to every commander of your faction in the sector you play. - Rank 6 : possibility to send a message to every commander of your faction in the country you play. Daronoans ranks, from 1 to 8, are : Knight, Sir, Hobereau, Lord, Commander, High-Lord, Baron, Lyre. Gobelyns ranks, from 1 to 8, are : Warrior, Warmonger, Varlet, Defender, Conqueror, Patrician, Duke, Sigisbée. Wolves ranks, from 1 to 8, are : Tamer, Swineherd, Rider, Champion, Vassal, Suzerain, Dominant, Vorgean. |